For several months now, fraudulent investment proposals, for the purpose of scamming, using the name, address, logo and/or authorisation number of authorised management companies as well as the names of employees of these management companies (including Amundi and its subsidiaries) have been multiplying.
Fraudsters usurp the identity of Amundi and/or its employees and/or pretend to work for Amundi, and distribute commercial offers and investment proposals in the name of Amundi or its subsidiaries. These offers do not come from Amundi and are not binding on Amundi or its subsidiaries.
In order to protect yourself against these scams, we invite you to read the following information.
Amundi calls for vigilance and reminds you of the following points:
- Amundi and its subsidiaries never contact the general public directly in order to offer a service or an investment product, in particular a financial product;
- Amundi never collects or receives funds directly from the general public;
- An Amundi employee will never solicit you, in any way whatsoever, to make an investment proposal;
- Amundi products are always sold through banks, investment firms, insurance companies and brokers;
Before making any investment, please check that these establishments are approved and authorised to do so.
Amundi would like to remind you of the following warning signs:
- You do not know the person contacting you;
- You are being promised high, risk-free returns;
- You need to make a decision quickly;
- You need to make a transfer.
More generally, we suggest that you follow these recommendations:
- Do not respond to unsolicited telephone calls;
- Do not give out your personal details (telephone number, e-mail address, identity documents, bank details, IBAN, proof of address, etc.) directly by e-mail or to sites whose reliability you cannot confirm;
- Do not take at face value any information given by someone you speak to, especially over the telephone. They may not be who you think they are and may have assumed the identity of a genuine employee;
- Contact the company your contact claims to be from yourself after looking up their contact details (telephone, email and postal address) to check that the contact is actually from them; Be wary of any links you are asked to click on.
For further recommendations, please consult the educational information at the following addresses:
The Autorité des marchés financiers du Québec (AMF) also publishes on its website:
- a list of websites, companies and individuals whose activities are high-risk. Investors are urged to be very cautious before doing business with these companies or their representatives (note that a website or company not on this list is not a guarantee of the reliability of the said company or website); https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/media-centre/investor-warnings ;
- the register of firms and individuals authorized to practice; https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practice .
The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) also publishes on its website:
- investor alerts about potential harmful activity in progress and warnings to caution the public about individuals or companies that may pose risk to investors; https://www.osc.ca/en/investors/check-before-you-invest ;
- a list of websites, companies and individuals whose activities are high-risk. Investors are urged to be very cautious before doing business with these companies or their representatives (note that a website or company not on this list is not a guarantee of the reliability of the said company or website); https://www.osc.ca/en/investors/investor-warnings-and-alerts .
More information can be found on the Canadian Securities Administrators website at: https://www.securities-administrators.ca/investor-tools/ .
Finally, if you think you have been the victim of a scam or fraud, we invite you to:
- report a fraud to the AMF please call 1-877-525-0337. For more information please see https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/assistance-and-complaints ;
- submit a fraud report to the OSC please call 1-877-785-1555 or use the following online form: https://portal.osc.ca/en-US/contactus/ ;
- visit the Government of Canada Cyber Centre at the following address: https://www.cyber.gc.ca/en/incident-management , for more information on reporting a cyber incident;
- contact your local police or call the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) at 1-888-495-8501 or use the following online form: https://antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca/report-signalez-eng.htm to report the instance of a scam, fraud or cybercrime whether you are a victim or not.